SpyNoMore Review
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Author: Paul Carry | 03.08.2013
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SpyNoMore Review - Top Five Features of SpyNoMore Anti-spyware /Anti-Malware

Here you are, minding your own business, surfing along nicely on the Internet...and then BAM! There it is, that ugly popup ad that just happened to pop into that specific spot where you need to click, and to make things worse, no matter how hard you try; you just can't get rid of that pesky advertisement. You always end up having to turn off your machine and start over. But the worse part.... BAM there it is again....just making you waste your time in turning on and off the machine.

Every time you open the Internet, one advertisement or another seems to pop up. What is it? It's almost like they've got you pegged....,and that's the truth. Well, they do have you pegged. That's because they are spying on your computer IP; they know where you are, what pages you visit, and consequently your Internet surfing activity. So, ultimately, no matter what you do: click off the ad, restart your machine, eliminate programs, those pesky will ads keep coming back. Check the best 5 antispyware software 2013.
SpyNoMore interface
SpyNoMore interface
SpyNoMore is the Solution

What works in situations like this is SpyNoMore, an anti-spyware program made by Illysoft LLC. These ads that keep returning are known as spyware, and programs like SpyNoMore are made specifically for this problem. This is a software program that offers 'Vaccinated' and 'Active' protection to protect a Windows based computer from spyware advertisements.

What makes SpyNoMore better than other anti-malware or spyware programs? Well, there are five features that make this program stand out among malware prevention programs.

1 - A Quick Scan Feature

SpyNoMore offers a quick scan feature that allows it to run quickly through a system to detect possible threats as quickly as possible.

2 - A Huge Anti-Spyware Database

A significant problem in the anti-spyware industry, is the fact, that it is so hard to get rid of so many different types of spyware, especially because people continually make more of these programs. With SpyNoMore, you no longer have to worry about that. This anti-spyware program has a huge anti-spyware database, one that is updated frequently and one which offers active protection; meaning it blocks new spyware even before it infects your PC.

3 - Offers Special Blocking Features

SpyNoMore also blocks websites that are known to create malware and spyware.

4 - Custom Fix

This is a feature that removes persistent infections, a problem that many other malware programs are unable to deal with. So, if your PC becomes infected with a spyware/malware program that is very difficult to remove - and when you do remove it, for some reason it just appears again by the next day, the SpyNoMore Custom Fix feature scans the PC and allows you toupload the report to the program server, so the technical staff can analyze and offer a customized fix for it.

5 - Help Desk

Besides offering extensive database and scanning capabilities, SpyNoMore also offers a timely response to any question or issue through its ticket-based help desk feature. Customer agents usually have a response within 24 hours of any question or issue pertaining to the program or to Spyware.

The Benefits of Using SpyNoMore

Among the biggest advantage to this program is that it is easy to install and easy to use. Plus it offers extensive spyware removal features. Even when you happen to have one of those really stubborn Spyware issues. Even if you can't remove it with the out of the box functionality of the program, the tech team can develop a custom spyware removal update for your particular problem.

The Disadvantages

There really aren't any functional disadvantages to this program. The only thing that comes to mind is the $29.95 price for one license or the $39.95 price for protection of three devices. Still, this is the price of most anti-spyware programs, and most of them are inferior to the SpyNoMore software program.

Compared to Others

There is no question about it; there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of anti-spyware programs, and any that work come at about a $30 price tag. But what makes SpyNoMore  stand out from the rest is its ability to totally eradicate spyware, even spyware that has been sitting on your computer, annoying you to pieces.

Bottom Line

This program works and it performs its job efficiently. Paying for software is no longer an issue, but consumers do want software that works well, and SpyNoMore certainly lives up to its full promise. And if for some reason you don't think it does, well, the company does offer a 90-day full money-back guarantee. That is how secure they are in the services they offer.
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